The Future of Fashion
Can you go high and low at the same time? The speculations range from high to low. Where will they go now?
the future of fashion is actually going extreme. I'll believe in going very high, I believe in very low. I don't know if it bridges.
Very Melodramatic
Interesting. Aha. Yes, that makes perfect sense.
This collection is very melodramatic. Very, very melodramatic. Very emotion, very funny, very yes.
Design is Relevant
Cool becomes cold. Relevant is always the right temperature. Have you figure it out yet?
Design is very important because it actually brings dream to our lives. I think it is very important today to be actually relevant, not cool. Cause, once cool then cold. So relevant, I find quite important. I also think that as a designer, my biggest fear is actually to run out of ideas.
Smart Design
Smart is beautiful. Are you beautiful enough to understand?
Actually in the world today, everybody speaks about smart design. I mean, cars, architecture, electronic, etc. In fashion, we are dealing with less smart, maybe more sexy and glamorous.
Real and Surreal
How rational are your emotions? Are your dreams more real than your life?
In design, we are dealing with actually real and surreal, with surreal and real, with fantasy and dream, with dream and fantasy. The mix of the two, I think is the essence of design. It is this emotional and rational both at the same time.
It's always very important for me to have the name of a story when I work on a collection. I think it's almost like a writer that needs a title to the book. Blank sheet really scares me. I mean, waking up in the morning and seeing a white page on the table, that's like hard, hard, hard. When I work, I work almost never with music. I mean, music can take me and influence me, allow me to go to different places, so I actually work just with some sort of news channels, the disasters. So I feel one disaster after the other, and I feel so safe in my room, actually happy to do and work and to design.